Toplam 18 içerik listeleniyor
E-BOX Jel Görüntüleme Sistemi
CryoMed Controlled-Rate Freezers
Forma* Series II 3110 Water-Jacketed CO2 Incubators
CryoPlus™ Storage Systems
SL 8 Masaüstü Santrifüj
Locator™ Plus Rak ve Kutulu Örnek Saklama Sistemleri
Forma Steri-Cult CO2 Incubators
Arctic Express Dual Storage Systems
Forma Steri-Cycle CO2 Incubators
Bio-Cane™ Cane and Canister Systems
Heracell™ VIOS 160i Tri-Gas CO2 Incubators
CryoExtra™ LN2 Storage
Heracell™ 150i and 240i CO2 Incubators with Stainless-Steel
CO2 ‘ye Dayanıklı Çalkalayıcı
Cryo Extra
Heracell™ 150i and 240i Tri-Gas Incubators